case studies

  "BrandIntent helped ensure that Mirror Image made the most of its marketing investment by helping us to incorporate our brand relaunch into an integrated campaign that included targeted messaging, a new corporate identity, a more dynamic website, print/online advertising and the creation of new sales tools. Without BrandIntent I don’t believe that we would have succeeded in taking the Mirror Image brand to the next level.”

Tracy Courtemanche
Director, Corporate Marketing
Mirror Image Internet

Face Lift
Our goal is to work with companies that are either the first or the best. Or used to be.

Often our clients started as leaders and innovators but have lost out to new competitors, market shifts or financial problems. In these cases we peel away their negative perceptions and give them the tools and vision they need to regain their momentum and recover their intrinsic value. We provide the ammunition they need to radically change attitudes and leap over their competitors.

A new identity is the first symbol that a company is committed to change. However, recovering from a weak position requires a commitment to superior performance across all aspects of the business. We work had-in-hand with management and partners in PR and product development to ensure that everything works together to convince customers, employees and analysts that the company has indeed changed from the inside out.